Jaen Philippe Feiss

La Douceur

Release date: 24/09/2009

Cinematica Classical - Contemporary
“La douceur” is new Jean Philippe Feiss’s work. Sweet melodies and a great arrangement are the main feature of this album. “Berceuse pour Valentin” shows a perfect symbiosis between a repetitive melody and the surrounding sounds. At a certain time a Violoncello comes in combining with the rest of the sounds. It remembers an Indian Sitar. Amazing. “La douceur” is the title track and it’s a very evocative composition. It starts with a “piano crescendo” sound that becomes louder till it dies in a muliple recorded violoncello melody giving that sweet that makes the song cathartic. In “Memories”and “Neretva” there are the two faces of the Feiss’s violoncello, the classical one and the electronic one. “Neretva”, expecially, starts with violoncello noises that seem to be creaking doors; then the classical part breaks into the composition bringing tranquillity and peace. In “Smog its” there is the opposite song structure. An impercettible playing gives way to increasing noises and coming back to the impercettible playing, in a cyclic way. “Urban fight” is the closing track. It remembers the opening track because there is a repetitive notation and sounds that come in one after another creating the final melody. In this great work there is a perfect combination of classical music and electronic testing, basing on the playing of violoncello. Wonderful!

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