Alessandro Ratoci

The Works with Piano Volume 1

Release date: 04/01/2012

Classical - Contemporary
This is a work fully produced and performed by Alessandro Ratoci and recorded in Ronta in 2005. Nine are tracks contained in this album: the first six of these are called “minute” (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th) and seem to be a “continuum” for what concerns tonal key and playing. Only 3rd, 5th and 6th minutes go off from the main line, for what about dynamics in playing. “Cantable for piano and electronics” keep maintainig the tune, but musical pauses and electronic sounds incoming give an incisive different perception. “Prima attesa” contains an amazing melody. It seems to be that something is going to happen! “Six minutes” show the perfect wedding between piano playing and electronic musical inserts creating a “climax” from which is impossible to escape, in a very pleasant manner! This track includes the six pieces of the first six tracks….now the circle is closed!

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