Riccardo Rea

Handpan Warrior   

Riccardo Rea makes his debut in Miraloop with several musical projects that cross timeless sound worlds inspired by different cultures of the planet

With his interstellar shield he fights the darkness to spread harmony throughout the universe and bring good vibrations to all people, his name is Handpan Warrior!

Handpan Warrior is the fighter who lives in the high mountains.

His story has very distant roots... Ever since he was a child he has travelled far and wide to learn the different fighting techniques from the most eminent wise men and masters. Initially he headed to the catacombs of Berlin, where he learned the techniques of Throwing Weapons learning to govern the laws of physics by defying the force of gravity.

With the masters of the "Ora" and "Pelér", he then developed the ninja arts of flight, defeating the fear of emptiness. He then wanted to know and practice with the destructive force of fire, managing to seize the precious ability to manipulate it.

He was then welcomed by the Jedi masters who passed on to him their most secret knowledge related to hypnotism. With the Himalayan ascetics he has deepened the practice of Yoga and the techniques of mind control. Finally, he focused on the power and strength of vibrations, which are his favorite weapons to date.



Yellow Atmospheres 19/07/2019



Luna d'Oriente 28/01/2019



Riccardo Rea 18/12/2018




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