Giusto Pio


Giusto Pio was an Italian violinist, composer, arranger, conductor, and painter. He is best known for his long-standing collaboration with Franco Battiato.

Giusto Pio (Castelfranco Veneto, January 11, 1926 – Castelfranco Veneto, February 12, 2017) was an Italian violinist, composer, arranger, conductor, and painter. He is best known for his long-standing collaboration with Franco Battiato. This partnership produced major successes such as *Centro di gravità permanente*, *L'era del cinghiale bianco*, *Voglio vederti danzare*, *Il vento caldo dell'estate*, *Alexanderplatz* (a major hit composed by the two for Milva), *Cuccurucucù*, *I treni di Tozeur* (performed by Battiato and Alice at the Eurovision Song Contest), *Per Elisa* (winner of the 31st Sanremo Festival), *Radio Varsavia*, and many others, including *Un'estate al mare* (a major hit written for Giuni Russo), *Bandiera bianca*, *No Time No Space*, *Messaggio*, and more.

Giusto Pio worked alongside Franco Battiato for over twenty years, taking on various roles, including composer, musician, arranger, and conductor. The duo Battiato-Pio wrote over one hundred songs together, in addition to arranging and orchestrating an equal number of tracks. Collectively, their works amount to over 30 albums, spanning a wide range of sounds and genres, from pop and new wave to classical and experimental music.




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