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Zendo - Penelope 2.0 - Videoclip

Data di pubblicazione 24/02/2023

The new Gianluigi Oliva single, known as Zendo, is out: entitled "PENELOPE 2.0" produced by the lable Miraloop from Bologna.
The track is part of a project that getted underway thanks to the collaboration with some of most interesting voice of the salentino panorama: Angela Garzia voice enrich the resonance of nordic inspiration of the track, that was written with the talented salentina singer (Zendo music,  Angela Garzia lyrics).
The lyric was bord from a new interpretation from a modern perspective of the figure of Penelope (saw as archetypeof a role not necessary feminine), she is forced to wait for the others, putting aside her personal needs and wishes, invariabily unheard by the other person, and imagining of imagining we can rewrite the ending of a modern Odyssey, in which is not Ulisse to coming back home to Penelope waiting for him after years of sacrifices, but ther is a Penelope that quit waiting, and she is this time leaving and taking off for a new adventure: her new life.
Penelope 2.0 was born by a time of crisis, when some certainties suddenly failed. The music, of clear Nordic electronic inspiration, expresses that sense of bewilderment of the dark moments, with open chords and pulsating synthesizers, all in a dance rhythmics that in the final turn into tribal.
A reflection in music, a rhtymic meditation, all completed by a recognizable melody that recalls the Italian melodic tradition. 




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