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Visual Evolution by Miraloop. Release Party at Alcatraz

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 30/05/2008

May 31st, 2008 Miraloop Hearts presents DNR – Do Not Reanimate, the first live show that will take place in front of hundreds of people at hystorical club Alcatraz, Milano city, to promove their first ep “Visual Evolution”. V.E. will be on sales worldwide after the summer, when Mira Hearts will be officially active on online music stores. Under the shape of Hearts, DNR will be the first band: they are five boys coming from different music scenes, with a strong  passion for Visual Rock. They will be the first Visual Italian band, too. Visual Evolution will be produced by Gerolamo Sacco, who declared the aim of connecting DNR’s sound with the one that Martin Gore created for Cinema Bizarre, unifying DNR’s two souls: Mantis’ one (he comes from an HIM cover band) with Kira’s one (a natural J-rocker). At the party MIRALOOP will distribute a cd of Visual Evolution containing Follow Me, Breakout and Live original and GS “german” remix. See you!



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