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Verizon acquires Visirun

Data di pubblicazione 02/07/2017

Miraloop for Brand’s most strategic partner is for sure Visirun, a complex GPS tracking system combining hardware and software for fleet management and vehicles, with the highest security and respect towards the environment. After one year of collaboration between Miraloop and Visirun, two very important events take place, filling us with pride: Visirun is acquired first by Fleetmatics, an international company specializing in fleet management, and a moment after that by Verizon, an American multinational from Chicago, one of the world’s leaders in telecommunication, as proved by the recent acquisition of Yahoo. Listen to a short interview with doctor Di Mase in the occasion of Transpotec in Verona.

Miraloop for Brand’s work on Visirun connects the services of a communication agency (Elyca), advertising (Turbo), and multimedia, including spots. It’s a great challenge for Miraloop for Brands, which as you know, hasn’t been present on the product&services market for too long. That means it’ll have to adapt in order to sustain the brand in a delicate moment of an important upgrade, namely the acquisition by one of the global telecommunication giants.



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