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Boavista - Semplice - Videoclip

Data di pubblicazione 16/11/2022

A powerful rhythm, catchy melodies and schratchy guitars, a renovated sound immediately enters in the circlulation from the first listening. SEMPLICE, the new song by the bolognese band Boavista, a single that talk about bravery, of autodetermination, of how to be is more important than please. Dealing with one’s own fulfillment and happiness is not just a conquest but a duty to ourself. The song lyrics is a dialogue, an invitation. An invitation to stop changing ourself just to please who has always an accusing finger to point, an invite to never stop flying, and to be accomplices and responsible for our own happiness. Especially in period where everything seems to be more and more "simple".
An emotional single, persistent, electric, supported by a vvideo clip that goes through narrative flashbacks on loneliness, adolescent uncomfort, the aceptation of our sexuality. Semplice is a fight messag,an invited of not givinf up to stereotypes, that makes us copies of people without colors inside.

Direction: Marco Bolognini e Simone Tancredi




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