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Radio 24 - Logo

Data di pubblicazione 21/07/2019

Project submitted by Miraloop for the renewal of the logo and payoff of "Radio 24." The symbol represents the number 24 broken down and redesigned from scratch. The 2 and 4 are interpreted as indivisible parts of one thing. We worked by playing on the union of two parts that complement each other to reveal and unveil implicit and explicit features of the brand. Nature and Technology. The 2 symbolizes a natural element such as a plant bud, while the 4 symbolizes a human technology, equally dynamic but substantially different: it can be a tail fin of an aircraft or the drift of a hull. You may also glimpse the wing of an airplane or a vector pointing upward, a symbol of growth and progress, among its elements.

Number 24 becomes a symbol, working on the decomposition of 24 we strongly wanted a design that would make 24 a symbol and not a mere union of two numbers. Something recognizable from all other possible and imaginable "24s." Positive change, elegance and dream. Innovation, authority and future. We focused on creating a recognizable symbol not only through two parts that complement each other, but also through an unambiguous reading.

The proposed payoff is "Il suono delle idee"(sound of ideas). The future, innovation and society that we live in and that will evolve in the coming years already has its own image, its own aesthetics in some way, and perhaps we can already visualize it. But what will be the "sound" of this transformation? This is the question we asked ourselves, and it is perhaps not possible to define it with something unique, but a collection of voices, opinions, reflections and music that tell us where the world is going and in which direction, through the narrative of those who observe society in its many facets. Ideas are the intelligent engine that light the way with a solid foundation in knowledge of the past but also with an eye toward positive change. The sound of ideas is the Radio capable of telling the story of our evolution.




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