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The 'Gramophone' by Miraloop Spades: the vinyl experience on Youtube

Di Niccolò Sacco
Data di pubblicazione 08/07/2015

A few words on Miraloop’s new special players coming out in a limited series for the new releases of Miraloop Spades, Clubs, and Hearts 2015, the year of debut on Beatport for each of Miraloop’s three labels. Let’s see how they’re made.

The technology behind the new Players is very simple, but at the same time very difficult to apply because every single detail of the video has to be taken care of. The audio sensor reads the wave form, giving life to a sensitive analog amplifier. The stylus leans on the disc and stays there reading the record throughout its duration:

It’s simulating the 12”, or 45 RPM, where the stylus moves on the groove during a song and comes to a stop at the end. The background is dedicated to a record, hence it changes with every track, as if each one had its own personalized record player. The cover is engraved in the disc, leaving the groove clearly visible. The logo of the label is printed on the upper and lower left corner of the external part of the player, as well as on the disk itself. The sensor is set to read a given frequency, around 80HZ, in order to move in correspondence to the bass and give rhythm to the video.

The result is highly effective and adds an emotive factor to the listening experience. See for yourselves:

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