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Myspace dies eaten by Facebook: what will change for us

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 30/09/2010

Miraloop was born on Myspace. With Myspace Miraloop has built a unique fan base of real listeners, which today will have to be recovered completely with Facebook (without considering that all Russia and Eastern Europe go on VKontakte). On Myspace, Miraloop's connections wander around these numbers:

Miraloop Spades 1.1K connections to users | 1.8K fans (connected to Spades)

Miraloop Hearts 0.7K connections to | 2.5K fans (connected to Hearts)

Miraloop Diamonds 0.6K connections to users | 1.3K fans (connected to Diamonds)

Miraloop Clubs 0.9K connections to users | 1.4K fans (connected to Clubs)

Among our individual artists we remember:

Gerolamo Sacco 1.2K connections to users | 3.3K fans (connected to Gerolamo)

We are talking about a value of 7k (7000) real users only considering the connections of the 4 Miraloop labels, built over time (about 2 years), and that in 2009 represent an excellence, since in 2009 there are no major artists on the net and more precisely on Myspace. 2009 was the year in which Facebook and Myspace lived together. 2010 was the year of the slaughter of Facebook. Today we can declare him dead, even if our profiles are still active.

Begins a season 2010-2011 of fire friends...



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