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Miraloop in B2B Marketing Revolution (Ale Agostini and Alberto Di Mase, publisher Hoepli)

Data di pubblicazione 09/12/2019

Bologna. December 1, 2019. We share with you the most beautiful reference that we had the honor to receive:

Sincere thanks go to all the professionals who helped me up to this point, primarily Andrea Sparacino from Hoepli, for believing in this ambitious project, and to Ale Agostini for his fundamental and concrete contribution to this book, the friendship and the incredible capacity to look always ahead. The vanguard.

To Gerolamo and Niccolò Sacco who, across the futuristic agency Miraloop, supported me (and stood me) in the artistic direction and realization of every content or advertising campaign since I act in marketing. Without the precious contribution and the days spent together mediating among creativity and strategy, including the realization of the illustrated boards in this volume, I couldn't have called into being the variety of projects born in all these years. Indispensable professionals and friends.


B2B Marketing Revolution: the volume of Alberto Di Mase and Ale Agostini, Hoepli 2019 

The volume B2B Marketing Revolution, which has an alignment typically scientific, analyses and proposes a revolutionary model of marketing B2B (business to business) for the present and the future. It explains how a small agency can confront a big one only if it's capable of overcoming the gap of investments through the strategic model of integrated multidimensional marketing. A new model that targets the emotional achievement of the client across the integration of branding, direct marketing and sales in one funnel: the authors will apologize the extreme summary.

MIRALOOP and B2B Marketing Revolution

A volume connected to Miraloop exactly like the professional connection of our reality to the author Alberto di Mase. We got to know Alberto at the end of 2012: armed with a Gibson Les Paul, he showed us a propensity to the extraordinary creativity, and when he started to apply it on the scientific rigor of marketing, the combination was stupendous. In 2012 Miraloop was born since lately, he was a rocker in love with the theories of Philip Kotler. Today Miraloop is an agency, Alberto is part of the top 100 managers of Forbes Italy, and we still work together. The roads that we traveled, from the success of Hiro Barber Shop and Barber Mind to Visirun (whose country marketing manager today is Di Mase and whose creative agency is Miraloop), would deserve a separate book. That's because there is always an experience behind every theory, and the experience that we matured together is enough for sharing every single word and every single thesis contained in this volume. We wish the most genius manager ever confronted with, the most successful career that a professional can aim for.

Enjoy reading!




B2B Marketing Revolution: who are Alberto Di Mase and Ale Agostini

Alberto Di Mase. Part of the classification top 100 winning managers 2019 of Forbes Italy, since 2016 he is the country marketing manager of Visirun, an agency part of Verizon. In the position of a country marketing manager he has the responsibilities that go from the idealization to the realization of marketing strategies targeting the achievement of objectives of lead generation, growth of brand awareness and sales of group services. After a series of prosperous experiences in the development of startups B2B and B2C, he accomplishes his career of consultant in 2014 starting the viral phenomenon Hiro Barber Shop and Barber Mind of Hiro, which inaugurates the trend barber shop and relative cosmetics in Italy, reaching a value of 166 million € in 2016. After the degree in anthropology with a specialization in consumer's behaviour, completed in 2013 at the University of Bologna, Alberto di Mase inaugurates his career in marketing like a consultant of management and corporate development.

Ale Agostini. Entrepreneur and partner of AvantGarde, first agency of digital marketing that integrates artificial intelligence and the services of search and web analytics. Writer for Hoepli, forms more than a thousand persons every year on digital marketing in reality like a business school of Sole 24 Ore, booking academy, mailUp, Business International, Ninja Marketing, Panbianco Academy. He's an advisor in different international events of technology, including TEDx. Before his current activity he founded Bruce Clay Europe (an American corporation leader in SEO since 1996) and leaded the international marketing of big agencies like Ferrero International and Campari (where he guided the promotion of Gorilla Crodino).



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