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MECSPE 2022 - Tecnologia olografica Studio Green Screen Miraloop

Data di pubblicazione 12/09/2022

The three-dimensional effect and the feeling of suspension in the void of holographic projectors has always been extremely fascinating. They activate the third dimension, depth, creating an almost hypnotizing effect especially at the point when it is a live person who appears and even speaks!
Thanks to our in-depth expertise in Green Screen technology, we have the pleasure of collaborating with Apparition, a Bologna-based company specializing in holographic systems for fairs, events, shopping centers, airports, showrooms and all spaces that need impactful and attractive communication. For Mecspe 2022, we made a series of recordings for popular use by visitors to the Bologna Fair, recording the speeches at our studio and adapting it to the specific characteristics that holographic projectors require. Following are some images of the event and the multimedia production process.




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