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Malecherifarei - Videoclip "Vertigine"

Data di pubblicazione 26/10/2022

Vertigine is the first single extracted from Malecherifarei album. Wtritten and composed by Michele Maccaferri, is a track with an increasingly pressing trend that tries to blend with that feeling of vertigo capable of being all-encompassing for body and mind. The song springs from the deepest depths of the human soul, where fears and passions lie.
The single is double knotted with the short film in black and white, that illustrate the vertigo as a double experience. Un volto autodistruttivo e paralizzante. L’altro motivante, fino ad arrivare a un picco di autentica libertà e piena realizzazione di se stessi.
One face self-destructive and paralyzing. The other motivating, until you get to a peak of authentic freedom and full realization of yourself.




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