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Logo refresh for the four Miraloop Records labels

Data di pubblicazione 06/07/2018

Like the four seasons, the four phases of the moon, the four corners of the earth. Each highly symbolic figure, in a very linear way, assumes a precise role defined by the new design, by expressive characteristics, by new graphic variations. An inspiration born from the symbols of the seeds of the cards where we tell different genres and ways of living the music contained in each label. Four worlds distinct from each other: Diamonds recalls the beauty of a precious golden color and on the right we find a reference to a keyboard, with a dark green hue we designed Spades that illustrates two wings let flow from the element air, Hearts symbolically represented with his red passion and a lightning evokes pop/electronic music, finally we find Clubs made symbolically recalls the symbol of the clover on a shade of blue associated with an infinite of various genres of electronic dance music contained in the label.

On the basis of these elements, the 2018 rebranding is based on the union of the four labels, for the first time after almost ten years of activity, in a single website Miraloop Records. The labels "unhook" themselves from variations of the Miraloop mother logo and marry the sub-brand Miraloop Records, with a design that recalls the American aesthetics of the 50s known to the general public with clothing and sports brands.



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