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La Rosita - Packaging

Data di pubblicazione 28/06/2021


"La Rosita" is a new brand of canned anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea, among the finest species. Miraloop was in charge of packaging for two tin versions, 5Kg and 10Kg. The graphic design was oriented on a 1930s style to represent the tradition and quality of the product that is still processed and packaged by hand today. "La Rosita" thus becomes an icon, a feminine and romantic figure patiently waiting for the fruits that this rich sea will offer. Also glimpsed in the icon are the typical hills of Santoña, where the company is based, and the sailboats of the fishermen. Around the frame is repeated in watermarks the logotype, also drawn from scratch, and the necessary food information arranged in small boxes. Finally, the colors are those typical of the sea, a sand with hints of green and the blue of the deep sea.



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