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Irène - Your Shirt: the Videoclip

Data di pubblicazione 25/03/2020

When you are young, experiences are instinctive, fast and can even be maybe to affecting for us. That is the moment when writing turns into an outburst, it helps understanding personal emotions, getting away from that basic instinct in order to elevate and raise our spirit. Therefore, writing is nothing but a progressive separation of a vertical dimension that involves just one end and that, at the same time, is driven by it. Eventually, as time passes by, positive memories are all that is left, just like the impression we get of someone at the very first meeting, and facing them will not be so complicated anymore. 

For the realisation of this video, we need to thank: 

Andrea Ruffini: Direction and Shooting
Chiara Ferro: Editing, Direction and Post Production 
Niccoló Grotto: Color correction, Direction and Post Production 



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