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Goal Miraloop 50,000 songs sold 2009-2016

Data di pubblicazione 21/04/2017

Bologna 14 April 2017. For some big players in the music industry it may be a small number, considering that for many this is the goal of selling a single (the classic "platinum disc"), but for us this is an important milestone. The fact that all the projects/artists that they have published with independent labels of Miraloop have been inaugurated by us is the real reason why we celebrate this small, big goal. Out of almost 90 inaugurated projects, in fact, only 1 (!), Albert Mayr, contemporary composer known more in high academies than in the world of music biz, was already present with a record for sale in at least one store at the time of publication of the first release by Miraloop. All the others were inaugurated by us. If we didn't consider that the figure is growing, 20 records a day for 8 years.
Inviting you to celebrate with us a small result of the independent (very independent) Italian music, we greet you with the top 3 producers for downloads.

Gerolamo Sacco [IT]  (with the projects: Gerolamo Sacco, Ethiopia Ringaracka, Mr Loop, Melodia Infinita)

Christian Carlino [IT] (with the projects: Delord / DNR)

Mauricy Pawel Zimmermann [DE] (with the project Mooryc)



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