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Gerolandia Express Season 2: official tickets for program entries

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 01/03/2012

There will be 10 voices from all over the world who will participate in the interactive program Gerolandia Express created by Gerolamo to present his unpublished. Season 2 will begin on 21 March 2012, one year after the start of the first season, which ended last summer. The tickets have been made for those who will commit to send their vocal samples every week to color the imaginary musical journey on the unpublished music of Gerolamo. A fantastic trip, crazy and absolutely fun. Even more fun when you consider that the voices, and languages, are completely different from each other. Mainly girls, they come from Russia, France, Germany, but there is also the participation of the former drummer of Insex Alex, man, from Italy. The tickets were made one by one and each voice was chosen a nickname of fantasy ... Must see!



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