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Gerolamo Sacco to compose the soundtrack for Traianvs, a docufilm by Se@unife

Data di pubblicazione 15/11/2017

Traianus, a documentray produced by Se@Unife – Centro di tecnologie per la comunicazione, l’innovazione e la didattica a distanza dell’Università di Ferrara, directed by Livio Zerbini and Giovanni Ganino.

As explained by Zerbini and Ganino, the directors of the documentary: “With Traianvs we wanted to retrace the Trajan trails and places in Italy and abroad, also on the occasion of the Trajan Exhibition.  “Costruire l’Impero, creare l’Europa” promoted by the Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita Culturale – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali di Roma (the Counsil of Natural Development – Capitoline Authority of Cultural Heritage of Rome) in collaboration with Se@Unife, the exhibition is scheduled to open on the 29th November, entirely dedicated to the figure of Emperor Trajan. A storytelling which will be led in exceptional historical and architectonic dimensions, as exceptional as the Emperor Trajan, optimus princeps was, a man renown not only as a great leader, but also as a comprehensive contractor.”

The Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico was born in 1990 in Roverento, as part of the “Paolo Ors e l’archeologia del ‘900” convention, with the intention of reaching vast public to raise awareness of archaeological research and protection of the cultural heritage. Projection shows take place in Rovereto annually, during first weeks of October. The cinematographic works which can participate are these of archaeological, historical, paleontological, and anthropological sectors, as well as others, dealing with the problematic of safeguarding and enhancing cultural heritage. Each year, 60 to 70 films are presented and voted by the public to be awarded the “Città di Rovereto” prize; every other year an international jury awards the “Paolo Orsi” prize to a film judged the best among the selection of cinematographic works.

The soundtrack will be composed by Gerolamo Sacco, the team manager of Miraloop, a popular startup and multimedia production studio from Bologna. The 37 years old producer and composer, who has already taken on similar record-making tasks on multiple occasions before, for the first time will be given full administration for composing the entire soundtrack for the medium-length film. You’ll be amazed!



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