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Free EDM, Progressive Electro House, Melodic Trance on Spotify! Clubs Streaming

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 11/05/2016

Why Spotify? Because it’s clear, it is easily accessible and it’s an expanding platform. On our Spotify profile you can connect with other users, create playlists for free and find all the music in the catalogue of Miraloop Clubs, in particular:

  • Miraloop Clubs Hits’ playlists
  • Moody playlists (created basing on a specific mood connected to the music or to a particular occasion)
  • Playlists of Clubs genres: EDM-Progressive Electro House, Queen Of Clubs (Melodic Trance) and Ten Of Clubs (Psy-Trance Goa)
  • Specific playlists of the best tracks of individual artists, like Michel Lavie and Melodia Infinita
  • Playlists of catalogue albums, such as Bloody Meriti by DJ Ego and The Docs by Electronic Pills

Here some reasons why following MIRALOOPCLUBSOFFICIAL on Spotify:

  • Some tracks produced by Miraloop Clubs (#FYD, Macadamia, Rigatoa and Danger) were ranked in the Beatport Top100 with Progressive House, House and Nu-Disco genres, respectively in the number 12,45,14 and 38 positions.
  • Miraloop Clubs division deals with different dance-electronic music sub-genres, as EDM, NuDisco, Melodic Trance and Psy Trance. All genres for all tastes!
  • If you follow Top DJ and you are fond of electronic dance music, on Miraloop Clubs Spotify channel you’ll find the playlists of the best tracks of the well-known GEO FROM HELL (DJ Mag described him as a “dancefloor destroyer”) produced by Miraloop Clubs!
  • Through the Spotify platform you can freely listen to the entire catalogue, to constantly updating playlists and sharing Clubs music with your friends on Spotify or on other social networks. You can also create your own playlist including our catalogue tracks or follow your favourite Miraloop artists!



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