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Francesco Giomi and TempoReale Firenze with Miraloop Diamonds for 4 publications

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 26/09/2008

Francesco Giomi will be performing at the Pecci Museum in Prato, which has painted the rooms in intrusive white for the occasion. An evocative performance by Francesco Giomi, with evocative tones that are difficult to translate. A perfect mix between acousmatic and beat, with a message that pierces the screen: "Here you don't dance". Paradox for the live performance of what will then be the publication with Miraloop "music for dance", as if to confirm the intellectual joy of the paradox. The show will be curated by Centro Temporeale, the center founded by Luciano Berio and inherited by Francesco Giomi, his student, who now directs one of the most important centers of musical research in Italy, "Tempo Reale".

The collaboration between Francesco Giomi, Temporeale and Miraloop will pass through 5 records. 3 of them signed by Giomi himself, plus the live recording of "Tape for Live Musicians" that will be published in the homonymous single signed Albert Mayr.

If you want to know more about the center founded by Luciano Berio in 1987 follow Tempo Reale to this link:



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