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Wine Lables - Calanco & Val Sillaro - Packaging

Data di pubblicazione 08/05/2019


Miraloop creates wine labels for the Villaggio della Salute Più, an important thermal spa and agritourism center of reference in the Sillaro River Valley. It is a Sangiovese and a Pignoletto Frizzante, typical wines of the area, whose labels create a link with the territory from which in fact is derived "Calanco" typical furrow of the clay soils of the area and "Val Sillaro" which takes the name of the valley where the Villaggio della Salute Più is located.The design of the labels is simplified as if drawn with a few brush strokes. In the case of red with horizontal stripes, they draw the outline of the hills while a zig-zag mark, for white to outline the course of the river. Special features of the labels are glossy reliefs in some areas of the design and the text, while the paper has a slightly rough and mobile surface to the touch.




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