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Acqua Dj Set NYE 2014 (31 12 2013)

Data di pubblicazione 03/01/2014

2014 New Year's Eve was the first one organised by Miraloop at Villaggio della Salute Più. After the success of the first season of the pool party called Acqua Dj Set held at the water park of the Villaggio della Salute Più, a proper village hosting both indoors and outdoors spa pools, restaurants and hotels, we wanted to propose once more the format of an indoor pool, that is to stay at the very warm Terme dell'Agriturismo, the part of the Villaggio that stays open also during winter. The party was definitely something new for all our guests, who found themselves for the first time at a one of its kind party, especiallt given by the particular location. The party "soaked" by the powerful rhythms and sounds, almost magical, in a mix between downtempo and dance up to a consistent interchange between hits and new releases until 3am. We would like to thank all those who took part in the event, and we invite you, this 2014 summer about to start, to come and dance at Villaggio for the second season of Acqua Dj Set Pool Party!



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