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Miraloop Hearts, Miraloop

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 21/04/2008

This spring 2008 is time of studio works. We are now working on the first studio records that will be released with Miraloop Hearts, the pop division of Miraloop. First releases will take sign Gerolamo Sacco, DNR, Bluevox; we’ll start music sales since winter 2009. This will be a new way of making Pop Music. It will be the first south european pop label selling dance music together with rock one, fixing different influences like brit-pop, j-rock, italian electropop…together! It’s our new vision of music: futuristic, psichedelic, dada… We won’t take care about music business’ rules, giving birth to artists and project never existed before. We’ll play a specific role in this new era: in these months of Myspace glory someone is already talking about Facebook. It’s peer to peer era, a crisis era. Well, the perfect time to start a new company, Miraloop. Times are changing quickly and we just want to make music, new music. Something that has never happened. Music that now doesn’t exist, artists that now don’t exist.

Why Hearts symbolize pop music world? Well, there is an interesting essay by Alejandro Jodorowski about Hearts family in ancient tarots symbology… Hearts domain is a kingdom of emotions and passions. Try to imagine a castle, opened doors, where everyone can enter and where everyone can find love. But everytime someone will look for intellectual knowledge, or material richness, well, the Hearts family will be very bad with them. This is what Alejandro said about Hearts figures. This is definitely …pop




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