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Licorice - Motionless: the official videclip

Data di pubblicazione 14/06/2017

The video clip of Motionless, Licorice's latest single produced by Miraloop, takes its cue from a historical fighting game: we talk about the famous Street Fighter, a must in the game rooms in the early '90s and then landed soon after in the newborn world of portable consoles, thus becoming a resounding success around the world. The video game entered the video clip right from the start. The two protagonists are in the situation in which, in the video game, was about to start a challenge between two fighters: the characters, literally "transformed" into the figures of the 16-bit video game, are two boys today, but with the same movements, poses and special shots of the unforgettable characters of Street Fighter. When the song starts the fight begins: we seem to see the "fireball" of Ryu, and hear the famous "Adouken!" that made famous the special weapon of the Japanese fighter. Let's listen instead to the powerful sounds of Licorice, which begin to tell the love story between the two protagonists with a continuous and relentless groove.

During the song, video game quotes are not wasted: "You're not my princess, I'm not your Mario, there is no life-up", citing the famous lives of the Italian (and Japanese) mechanic who has entertained millions of teenagers since 1983 till today. 


The narration centred on the couple relationship, sees a couple protagonist of this story, played by Carola Rubino and Michele Puleio. A real duel against the black background of a computer: the female figure pours all the anger on the boy, the artist's avatar, who after several shots will choose not to move / motionless.
Every change of light, every shot, every camera movement are relevant for the final scene, which ends with another quote. This time not a video game, but a movie about video games, the famous War Games (USA, 1983), cult movie of an entire generation.



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