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Launching Indie Candies, the first collection of electropop made in Italy

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 04/10/2017

In a perfect world, a new label comes to life with ideas, passions, desire to create, and longing for entering the game. Miraloop Hearts is all those things, and its world is real. It’s striving to generate a sound that Italian music lacks, and harvest the creativity of the artists who wish not only to make music, but also to be a part of a movement making their lives more vivid and rich in shades- all unique, but all Hearts.

Hearts is pop branching from the electronic music, living on diverse influences, at times coming from singular artists, at times from more psychedelic climates, or simply from rock, visual, or also, why not… from dub!
However, the futuristic music of Miraloop Hearts soaks its fingers in the forsaken tradition of the great labels, which in the past launched unforgettable genres, still lingering in the hearts and ears of the music lovers – do the Motown and their soul/R&B ring a bell? Nowadays, throwing a spotlight on a new artistic movement is nearly unthinkable, at least for most, provided that we do not stop at the auto-definitions the non-majors love to give their productions, like Indie, which may be cool, but actually feels like an attempt to self-justify the low commercial success of an artist. Indie Candies is somewhat a game changer, slightly taunting the today’s mono-mood, hermetic reality and always on the search for that beautiful, utopian world, like it was during the time of race records, when new sounds were a daily thing.

Today that utopia turns into reality and boasts with its marvelous compilation of creativity, ideas and the desire to create music. Indie Candies brings Miraloop Hearts to life and offers us the best of the 3 years of work - their artists with their sound, influence, and unique music. And it’s just one part of something much bigger. While waiting for the upcoming issues enjoy yourselves with the first compilation! Stay Hearts and keep on rollin’!



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