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Hearts meets Argentina: our first production out of Europe

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 30/08/2008

Madrid. August 30th, 2008. Gerolamo Sacco meets Ezequiel Bernatek for Bluevox project, a pop band from Buenos Aires able to mix European and American sounds , psychedelics and childhood atmospheres, classical and pop melodies. Ezequiel has the goal to start from Europe, give a digital distribution to his band and to work with a label interested in quality music. So, a great exception for Miraloop Hearts, company that sales its own music production. Gerolamo has the goal to work with a non-European project and moreover he’s in love with some Ezequiel’s songs: he will remix one of these. Nice meeting! They visit the city, have lunch, talk a lot, than began to plan their work: Bluevox will be the first American project of Miraloop. The band will be published under ♥ Hearts. The first record, Bluevox EP, yellow bike hand painted on the cover, will be on sales since 2009. Just a consideration about times: it’s incredible that in 2008 we can do stuffs like this. Just few years ago, a meeting like this it would be impossible. Just some years ago, to work with a guy living in another continent meant they were both fucking famous. In Miraloop we wanna do something new. In the next year this will be a standard, and probably labels will be something really different. Dudes, this is great!

Una considerazione sui tempi che corrono: è davvero incredibile che nel 2008 sia possibile realizzare una cosa del genere. Per chi ci legge nel 2020 incontrasi tra artisti uniti da una passione comune fuori dai confini nazionali sarà la prassi, ma se pensiamo solo a qualche anno fa, quando internet non era di uso comune, sarebbe stato impossibile per Gerolamo ed Ezequiel conoscersi, ascoltare musica, condividere esperienze e sposare un progetto insieme. Era possibile per chi era molto, molto popolare, ma non per tutti. E questo ci ha portato qui. Segnaliamo infine che oltre al Bluevox EP ci sarà un remix ufficiale firmato da Gerolamo di una delle canzoni del disco.



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