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Fossil Miraloop: the Motion Graphic where the organic becomes texture

Data di pubblicazione 14/10/2013


This small study is oriented towards the development of colors and materials to be applied to abstract forms in a project where those colors and materials are going to form a graphic pattern of inspiration. It’s quite interesting to have this chance of reconstructing an artificial environment and playing with the light, colors, and reflex which autonomically create textures and depth. All this could be the ground for a new form of an illustration project.

 One of the main features of the project is its randomness, as the position of the geometric elements is unpredictable, all thanks to the gravity simulation which throws the spheres against each other, creating an auto generative photographic sequence. Later, suspending the sequence’s movement and using the assistance of a virtual video camera, it’s possible to explore the frozen frame and its brand new world from the inside.

We used this motion graphic format for many multimedia projects, deriving our inspiration from diverse forms applied to organic materials.



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