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Festival by Gerolamo Sacco n.14 on Top100 Albums iTunes Italy (all genres)

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 01/08/2015

Have you ever listened to Festival, last Gerolamo Sacco’s album? Festival is a sort of summer compilation where the singer-songwriter and producer from Bologna Gerolamo Sacco, using different musical genres (from Paul Kalkbrenner influences to drum&bass beats, from italian dance music to electronica) in 10 music tracks that create a sprawling Festival, full of positive sensations and vibrations. With songs like ‘Vorrei Fare una Canzone’, ‘Fra le Nuvole’, ‘Mediterranea’ and ‘Woodstock”, performed by Gerolamo himself or with his favorite female performers, Festival is the second Miraloop Hearts production (the first was “Alieno”, first Gerolamo Sacco’s italian songs album) appeared in the iTunes all-genres sales chart. Festival has been one of the top100 italian albums since 25 to 29 of July, reaching #14 as top position. It’s our greatest exploit in a national sales chart.
And now… just listen to this electropop music bomb:

We wish good times to all of you!



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