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Boundless love (by Vincenzo Sgroi)

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 19/03/2009

Vigevano, March 19th 2009. In La Barriera, a monthly magazine from Vigevano (PV), an interview by Vincenzo Sgroi with Gerolamo Sacco is published. The interview presents MIRALOOP and the ideas on which it was built. At the center of the article, a photo of G. looking at a creature drawn by him, with a certain similarity. In the same days of the interview, the first records by Hearts, Clubs, Spades and Diamonds start to turn around the immense web. The title of the article is wonderful: Unbounded Love. For music, it means. The interview, recorded in a café in Lombardy in January, starts like this: Does it take more unconsciousness or courage to open a record label in 2008?



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