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Diamonds will be the label dedicated to classical and contemporary also electronics

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 21/01/2008

The musical challenge of Miraloop Diamonds is very simple. Diamonds will be the Miraloop catalogue series that will deal with composers and performers who orbit the world of classical and contemporary music. The aim will be to make them known. We will start from the music of the academies of Central Italy between Florence and Bologna, Renaissance cradle of Europe, and we will try to give a cut to history as we like. Today's situation is a classical music linked to the academies and unable to get out of that orbit. Our challenge will be this, and we will work to make it possible for musicians to open a door into the real world. These are the words of Alessandro Ratoci, who will help the captain of Miraloop Gerolamo Sacco to build a team. A kind of manifesto, written at the end of 2007 imagining what Diamonds will propose, and how it will do it. This garden is home to flowers cultivated with great patience and dedication. Here work people who live the radicality of the musical experience starting from the listening, a listening that invests the memory and the senses in a totalizing way, music for music and never for anything else. Those who choose to propose their work here do so after decades of research within the tradition of Western music, taking this legacy across the river in the midst of the avant-garde of the last century. A long and troubled ford for all of us, without delay in nostalgia but without the need for any ideological raincoat, so as to be able to collect fertile water to which to further grow, in our times, forms of sound and time able to reveal themselves to an attentive, radical listening. For this reason we decided to publish, to offer others the opportunity to continue to enjoy that ancient way of listening that was born from the infinite silences, that to give the ear taut and attentive as the word of an oracle.

To avoid copying, and we expose ourselves to risk, with Diamonds the parent company Miraloop will be the first independent in Europe to work contemporary with other forms of music such as dance or rock. The first releases will arrive at the dawn of the year 2009: it will take at least 1 year to record and produce the first records. We of the staff wish you a good job with the excitement of building something really new!



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